Boat Latch Compatibility
Look here for Ramp N Clamp Boat Latch compatibility answers. The most common question we get is “Will the Ramp N Clamp Boat Latch work on my boat?” Is it compatible with my boat and trailer setup? Here is a simple breakdown of 6 easy questions. Watch the video below or tab between the questions below. If you answer yes to ALL 6, The Boat Latch will probably work well on your boat and trailer setup. See below.
If you are able to answer yes to all of the questions below, Congratulations It should work well with your setup! Proceed to Step 2 Below.
Boats Up To 6,500lbs. It has been forensically tested to handle 6,500lbs or less.
Under 6,500lbs? Move to question 2.
Does The Boat Have A Semi V or V Front?
The Ramp N Clamp needs a slight V in order to lock onto the eye. If it’s a semi V, modified V, Deep V, Tri V etc it should qualify. If it has a flat front but it does have a ridge, it will work. If the front is completely flat it will not work. The photos below show that it will not work on a completely flat front or pontoon boats. If you answered yes to this section proceed to question 3.

Is The Roller Or V Bumper Above The Eye And Is It Touching The Eye?
The bow eye or U bolt on the boat must be positioned under the bumper or roller of the winch arm. This bow eye should also be touching the bumper or roller. If it is below the roller 1-12″ you will need to adjust your winch arm height. The bow eye of the boat needs to slide up into the latch in order for it to grab. Adjust your winch arm accordingly in order to make this compatible. The boat MUST ALSO be touching or against the roller. There can Not be a gap between the roller and the boat. If you answered yes to this section proceed to question 4.

Does the boat have a compatible bow eye?
The latch works with standard U bolts and cannot have allot of thickness at the base of the eye. The bow eye should be the same width throughout. In order for the latch to be able to grab the eye properly it cannot have a large weld or increase in thickness at the base of the eye. See Photos below for a visual of what bow eyes the latch will and will not work with. If you answered yes to this section proceed to question 5.

Is There A Major Obstruction on the Front Bow / Keel?
The boat has to be able to slightly slide up the latch in order to properly engage. If there is an obstruction on the keel or upper bow, the boat latch may catch on the obstruction and not work properly. Below are a few references showing obstructions or possible issues. Please note a standard ridge around the hull should not cause issues. It’s only when the ridge flares or extends over the keel. If you answered yes to this section proceed to question 6.

What is the angle of your hull? Here are a few pictures illustrating the more horizontal the hull of the boat, the better the system will work. The more vertical or up and down the hull is the less likely or worse the clamp will work. It needs to be able to travel along the hull at lease a few inches before locking shut. This gives the clamp enough time to adjust or pivot to the proper angle to snap in. If you answered yes to all 6 questions proceed to the button below labeled “proceed to step 2”.